Tom Papania was NEVER a Gambino tough guy. Read the transcripts...
Criminal court case: CR86-185A,
USA vs CARL LOUIS COPPOLA, et al, held 1986/87.
United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia (Atlanta), 75 Spring Street, S.W., Atlanta GEORGIA 30303, USA.
Transcript 3rd April 1987:
Tom Papania's friend, Mr Tommy Billotti became a "made" member of the Gambino Mafia family towards the end of the 1970's, and after Tom Papania
was released from jail in 1980, Mr Billotti encouraged Tom Papania to join the Gambino Mafia family also.
Tom's reply: "I don't want any part of it." (page 127)
During the 1970's and 1980's, Tom Papania worked for: Dial Poultry, Jilly's Restaurants, Improved Drywall, Fantastic Chicken, United Produce,
and Tising Moving and Storage (unloading trucks). Now, if Tom Papania really was a big time Gambino Mafia boss during the 1980's, why then was
he working as a furniture truck unloader in May 1980? (page 74)
Please view the evidence, and decide for yourself...