We will now pay, not US$20k, but US$50,000 to the first person who can produce authentic certified
USA government documents, that validate Tom Papania's "From Mafia to Minister" Gambino mafia claims about himself.
This prizemoney has still not been claimed!
(To claim this prize, please email: mafiaprizemoney@optusnet.com.au)
Thomas Anthony Papania is a fraud!
Tom Papania was NEVER a Gambino mafia boss!
Tom Papania was NEVER even a member of the Gambino mafia family of New York!
Tom sells his "From Mafia to Minister" testimony tapes, CDs, DVDs, and collects a percentage of the offerings taken at the church services where he is guest speaker!
Tom Papania is, therefore, obtaining financial advantage via deception - fraud!
- View Tom's Atlanta District Court transcripts (2-Apr-1987), "I was never a Mafia member!"
- View Tom's Atlanta District Court transcripts (3-Apr-1987), "I don't want any part of joining Gambino mafia!"
- Gangland News USA editor, Jerry Capeci, replies and says,"Tom Papania is a fraud!"
- Focus on the Family USA, replies and says,"We have doubts about Tom's testimony!"
- Prisons Ministry USA, replies and says,"We have cut off all contact with Tom!"
- Federal Bureau of Prisons, USA - Tom awaiting Atlanta jury verdict, & subsequent acquittal.
- Gwinnett Court, Georgia, 1985: Tom Papanier's name change documents, Tom Papanier becomes Tom Papania!
- Sedgwick Court, Kansas, 1965: Tom Papanier the caryard burglar, and TV shop burglar - not mafia hitman!
- Kansas Bureau of Investigation: Tom Papanier's arrest and prison record, Kansas.
All of the USA government documents presented above are certified copies, obtained DIRECTLY from the variously listed USA government departments.
The documents have been presented exactly as received. The contact details of those various USA courts and USA law enforcement agencies are also provided,
so you are encouraged to make your own enquiries, should you wish to verify this information.
If you are unfamilar with the claims Tom Papania makes about himself, in his compelling "true" story, here is a brief summary...
* Age 15, Tom claims he found a rusty gun, which he supposedly used to rob a nearby Mafia storefront.
* Tom claims he and his friends repeated this robbery - 4 times - stealing wallets AND pants, so they wouldn't be chased!!
* By age 17, Tom claims that he had earned a trusted position within the Gambino Mafia family.
* At age 19 (1963), Tom supposedly received his first contract, and was asked to shoot (but not kill) two men.
* Tom claims he was arrested by the police immediately afterwards - the Gambinos had set him up, to see if Tom would "talk!"
* Tom claims he kept his vow of silence, and was sentenced to 2 x 5-10 year prison terms, of which he served 5 1/2 years.
* After Tom's release from prison, Carlo Gambino allegedly sent for Tom, offering him 2 nightclubs as a reward.
* By age early 30's, Tom claims he was controlling over 40 different restaurants and businesses.
* Paul Castellano took over from Carlo Gambino, with Tom claiming to work directly for Paul Castellano, from now on.
* Tom arrested again, and spent another 2 years in prison.
* Before release, Tom claims the prison Chaplain said Tom was "different" and should consider becoming a priest.
* After prison, Tom claims he went back to the Gambino businesses, and was earning $millions per year.
* At age 39 (1983), Tom supposedly opened 10 restaurants in 11 months in Atlanta, Georgia, and he was extremely wealthy.
* Tom claims that in 1984, God gave him an offer too good to refuse!
* In 1984, Tom claims he became a "christian" and left the Gambino mafia family.
Why does the name Tom Papania NEVER feature in ANY of the publications on the history of the Gambino mafia family of New York, USA?
These Australian churches were warned repeatedly beforehand, yet they still allowed him to speak.
They were either invited repeatedly to view the evidence, or were given access to all of the evidence:
Christian City Church, Oxford Falls, NSW, February 2004
Garden City Church, Mt Gravatt, QLD, September 2004
Southside Church, Adelaide, SA, August 2005
Crossway Baptist Church, Burwood, VIC, August 2005
One CCC Oxford Falls pastor replied as follows (Monday 1st March 2004, 9:57am):
"I don't know who you are and therefore you have no credibility in my eyes.
Right or wrong about Tom Papania is irrelevant because you have no authority!
You delude yourself thinking God has appointed you, but you are a self appointed crusader, unsubmitted and rebellious. You need help."
This very same CCC Oxford Falls pastor requested a meeting, which we agreed to, however, he then cancelled his very own meeting, before it was held,
and refused to communicate any further. A number of CCC pastors (including the Senior Pastor) received personal invitations to view the USA government documentation
(at a time and date of their choice) that proved Papania was a fraud, but none of these pastors ever replied.
Was not one pastor at CCC Oxford Falls, able to discern that Tom Papania was a FAKE, despite being warned repeatedly beforehand?
Does CCC Oxford Falls leadership have spiritual discernment?
Does CCC Oxford Falls leadership value money more than truth?
Holy Spirit, please open the eyes of our hearts!
Ex-policeman Robert E Taylor Jr, claims to have information that validates Tommy's story.
He has been asked many, many, many times to produce this evidence, but nothing appears!
Not one single page of official government documentation has been produced!
This is a typical email reply, from Robert E Taylor (info@taylorgroup.net):
Robert Taylor denies reality!
Don't you think it's time to repent, Tommy?
Good Friday was for you too!